Red River Sale
May 26-27, 2017 | Ardmore, OK
Sale Host: Rick & Tracey Friedrich, Bob & Pam Loomis, Frank & Michelle Hevrdejs
- Bear Davidson, Nick Kaatz, Kathy Kittler, Chase Vasut & Ann Gravett..jpg)

- Bear Davidson, Nick Kaatz, Kathy Kittler, Chase Vasut & Ann Gravett..jpg)
data below was gathered by Hired Hand Live. We share these trends and
averages for our customers and breeders in the Longhorn Industry who
could better their programs by analyzing it as it best suites them. We
welcome your feedback or additional data requests. This data is not officially endorsed by the sale.
- 82 of 91 lots sold for a total of $213,750 with an $2,671 Sold Average and a $2401.69 Consigned Average
- There were 5 Cash Cows that sold for a total of $58,200 and an average of $11,640
- Top 10 lots average: $9.495
- Top 25 lots average: $5,698
- One over 80” TTT cow sold, Lot 90, $3,500 (the other over 80” TTT cow in the sale, lot 49, was PO’d).
- 70-79” TTT Cow Average: $2,383
Other Interesting Sale Averages*:
- Natural Service females: $2,599
- 0-2 year olds: $3,039
- 3-5 year olds: $2,540
- 6-10 year olds: $2,768
Popular Sires*:
These were the top 5 sires with at least 2 offspring selling. Their
offsprings averages are listed below starting with the highest average.
These are the top 5 sires based on offspring value, no minimum # of offspring selling and not based on averages:
1. Plum Tuff Chex
2. Maximus ST
3. JP Rio Grande
4. Hidalgo ECR
5. Tumbling Dice SRC
Popular Maternal Grand Sires*:
These were the top 5 Maternal Grand Sires by value of their averages
with at least 2 Grand Daughters selling. Averages are shown below
starting with the highest.
These are the top 5 Maternal Grand sires based on offspring value, no minimum # of offspring selling and not based on averages:
- Farlap Chex
- Gunman
- Impact’s Rear Admiral
- Houston Solution 11/1
- JP Rio Grande
Popular Service Sires*:
These were the top 5 Service Sires by value of their averages with
at least 2 Grand Daughters selling. Averages are shown below starting
with the highest.
These are the top 5 service sires based on offspring value, no minimum # of offspring selling and not based on averages:
- Cowboy Chex
- Expedite
- Doodlebug Tuff Chex
- Rebel HR
- Hubbells 20 Gauge
* Please note that this data is based off what was printed in the
sale catalog and announced in the ring. It is not official data
endorsed by the sale.